Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Naiad: A water nymph who gaurds ponds and springs of Greek Mythology.

Nagual:  Human beings who have the power to magically turn themself either spiritually or physically into an animal form. A Nagual is believed to use their powers for good or evil according to their personality.

Nagas - They're upper bodies are human, and their lower bodies are that of a snakes. They're often seen wearing hooded canopies or with seven or more heads. Both sexes are extraordinarily beautiful, and several royal Indian families claim to be descended from them. They bite humans who're evil or destined to die prematurely. Buddhists regard them as minor deities and door guardians.

Namahage: An oni with bogeyman like nature. He cleanses people soul with a mop, and kidnaps naughty children.

Narasimha: The 4th incarnation of Vishniu. His form is that of a lion/human hybrid. 

Namazu: Giant catfish whose thrashing causing earthquakes

Nariphon: Tree spirits that are grown from the Himaphan trees of South East Aisa. The maidens grow attached by their head from the tree branches.

Necko-mata: A youkai cat that can manipulate fires, change shape and reanimate dead corpes.

Neck: A shapeshifting water spirit who usually appears in human form as young man. they reside in murky pools, wells, docks, piers and under bridges that cross rivers. There favorite pastimes are luring unwary travelers into the watery depths of the pond by their music. 

Nereid: Ocean nymphs. The daughters of the sea god Nereus

Nephilim: A hybrid race of humans and angels. They were discribed of having gigantic stature, superhuman strength and an arrogant personality. They were all wiped out from The Great Foold. 

Nemaen Lion: Similar to a lion, but a bit larger. It could not be killed with mortals' weapons because its golden fur was impervious to attack. Its claws were sharper than mortals' swords and could cut through any armour. It was eventualy killed by the hero Hercules. 

Nixes: Nixes are water spirits of Germanic  folklore. Often times they appear as attracive young women. The Nixe may take different forms, but their message is one of warning of impending death by drowning.

Nisse: Household faeries from Scandinavian Folklore. They protect farmers, both the family and animals. If there insulted by their owners, they will cause trouble.

Ningyo: Japanese merfolk, but more fish like and less beautiful.

Noppera-bo: Faceless specters that enjoy terrorizing its victims, but they’re really harmless.

Nue: A Japanese chimera, with the head of a monkey, the legs of a tiger, the body of a dog raccoon and the tail of a serpent. It said to bring disaster when it's soppted.

Nuppeppo: A youkai that looks like a lump of flesh with arms, legs and a tiny face. They were created by monks from rotting human flesh.

Nurarihyon: A humanoid youkai with green skin and an enlarged head. They are said to be supreme commanders to youkai.

Nymph: In Greek mythology, a nymph is any member of a large class of female nature spirits, either bound to a particular location or land form, such as mountains, groves, springs, rivers, valleys, and cool grottos. Nymphs were the frequent target of lusty satyrs, their male counterpart. Worshipped by the ancient Greeks and said to come from the earth, they were seen to be care givers of the land and life in general. Although not immortal, they lived extremely long lives.

Nuckelavee: Similar to a centaur, but with out skin and a single eye. They have an appetite for human flesh.

Nurikabe: A youkai that looks like a wall with arms, eyes, and legs.  Their favorite pastimes are preventing mortals to their destinations.

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