Saturday, April 12, 2014


Deer Woman: Appearing as an attractive woman on upper half with deer legs instead of feet. She would seduce young men and then attack them by stomping them to death.   

Demons: Found in world religions and folklore. They are the opposites of angels, who bring chaos and darkness to the world.

Dryads: Tree spirits from Greco-Roman Mythology that take the form of women. The dryads are very connected with the trees they live in. If the tree is cut down, the dryad will die.

Dragon, Western: The typical dragon is depicted in the medieval Europe and modern day America. They are the most famous being with the ability to breath fire, kidnap princess and hording treasure. According to European folklore, they are considered malevolent and an enemy to mankind.

Dragon, Eastern: The Eastern dragon is easily recognizable for its long serpintine body that is generally wingless, and its anthropomorphic face, complete with beard. The river dragon is generally considered a supernatural or spiritual symbol of heavenly power. The differences between Chinese and Japanese dragons, is that Chinese dragons have five toed talons, while Japanese dragons have three talons.  

Diwata: Philippine nymphs that guard natural places. They are said to reside in large trees. They will bring blessings or cures to those who respects or harm to the forest.

Dobhar-cu: A hybrid of a dog and otter that is known to live in lakes. They are known for their appetite for human flesh.

Duende: Little humanoid creatures from the Philippines, they reside in homes or underground. They bring luck, good or bad, depending on how the homeowners treat them.

Doppelganger: A spirit that takes the form of certain person that looks vaguely similar.

Domovoi: A house spirit from Russian folklore.  They are very helpful around the household, but if angered they will cause havoc.

Dokkaebi: A race of grotesque troll like beings from Korean folklore. They enjoy playing tricks on mean people and reward good people with blessings.

Dwarves: A dwarves are a race of short and stocky humanoids from Northern Europe. They are connected with the Earth and are excellent miners, engineers, and craftsmen.

Doro-ta-bo: A youkai with a single eye and a muddy body. They are resurrected corpses of poor farms that died in their rice fields. 

Drude: Demons blamed for possession.

Draugr: Undead Vikings that live between sea and land. They jealously guard their treasure on their graves. They can even increase their size at will.  

Drop Bear: A carnivorous koala bear that attacks its prey by dropping from trees.

Dullahan: A faerie spirit that appears as man on horseback, but carries his head in one arm and a whip made from a spine bone. When ever it appears at the time when a person is near death. 

Duergars: Malevolent dwarves of northerner England. They delight in leading lost travelers astray. There weakness is the sun, 
and will turn to stone when they are touched by it rays. 

Dybbuk: Demonic spirits of Jewish folklore.