Monday, February 3, 2014


Baba Yaga: A cannibalistic witch that dwells in the Russian forests. Here house is supported on chicken feat and her fence is made from the bones of her victims. However, she can be easily out witted by brave young girls.    

Barbegazi: A race of dwarf like beings with long white hair and enormous feet that are used for sledding.

Bannik: Bathhouse spirits form Slavic mythology.

Barghest: A demonic dog with huge teeth, claws and fiery red eyes. They are known to foreshadows death near the house and appear at funerals of a person who died. 

Batibat: A demon that takes on the form of an obese old woman that crushes any human to death when they are asleep benth their tree, which they live.

Basajaun: A race of shaggy humanoids from Basque region. They protect livestock and tough humans on agriculture and ironworking.

Baku: A strange animal youkai with an elephant’s head, the body of a horse, the feet of a tiger and tail of a cow. They devour bad dreams and bring good luck. 

Bakhtak: Iranian nightmare demon.

Baobhan Sith: A scottish female vampire with the feet of deer. They seduce their prey with their songs or alluring figure and drain their blood.

Banshee: A banshee is a female spirit of Irish folklore. Banshees are omens of death and messengers from the afterlife, and wail under the windows of a house where a person who is about to die.

Bake-kujira: The spirit of whale with an exposed boney body.

Basilisk: A creature with the head of rooster, the wings of a dragon and tail of a serpent. Any living creature, who would foolish make contact with it, will be paralyzed.  

Behemoth: An enormous creature that closely resembles a dinosaur.

Black Agnnis: A bogey-woman that kidnaps rowdy children and devouers them in her lair.   

Bloody Mary: The spirit of woman that will manifest itself in the mirror when she summoned three times.

Brownie: A brownie is a legendary household spirit popular in folklore around Scotland and Northern England. They are said to inhabit houses and aid in tasks around the house. However, they do not like to be seen and will only work at night, traditionally in exchange for small gifts or food. They usually abandon the house if their gifts are called payments, or if the owners of the house misuse them.

Boraro: The Boraro is a protector of the South American rainforest and its animals. He is described as a short hairy man and backwards feet. His best use of defence is his urine.

Boobrie: An enormous and ferocious water bird that can swim underwater and roar. Their diet consist of calves, lambs and otters.   

Bokwus: A fearsome forest spirit from Native American folklore. They are known to push fishermen off the riverbanks to drown. 

Bogie Men: Goblin like entities that are known to hide in the closets or under the beds and snatch away misbehaving children. 

Bogles: They are a form of goblins, and are generally nasty in temperament. However, they prefer to inflict their evil deeds upon liars and murderers.

Brown Men: Short, and shaggy male faeries who protect the animal life on Cornwall 's Bodmin Moor. They don't appear to dislike humans, but avoid them whenever possible.

Bunyip: A river troll from Aboriginal folklore. They are described as having dark fur, flippers, tusks, a horse’s tail and a dog like face. They’re very shy and elusive. But if provoked, they will eat any creature that comes near their river.

Bug-a-boo: Adults would often tell their children if they don't behave, The Bug-a-boo will come and get them. But the Bug-a-boo is a friendly creature and loves children. 

Buggane: An ogre like creature that resembles a giant mole with claws, tusks, and long black hair. They are known to live in water falls, and would punish anyone who would dare offended the faeries.     

Bucentaur: A centaur like creature, but with the lower body of  a bull. 

Bwbachs: Walsh  solitary faeries that can be helpful around the household chores. However, when they feel insulted, they will cause trouble in the house. They dress in turbans and fur loin-clothes.